Sneak peek at my Marquis Who’s Who Biography

4 years ago I set my vision of improving the lives of millions through more inspired leadership. Of course, I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it. But it was time to pursue my lifelong dream after divorce, interstate moves, COVID, and the death of my mentor. It was time to create with the wisdom given to me- to be the center of a community, for the student to become the master.

I was determined to share my Vision every day, first on my daily blog, then in articles and books as a business writer, and so on. Monday is my “stretch day” the day I set aside to ask myself, “What will take my 20-year vision the furthest today” and ACT fearlessly. With some repetition, I extended my influence to various publications I have favored (okay, practically worshipped) as a lifetime student of entrepreneurialism and leadership.

If you post enough about your passion and experience in these areas and thrust pictures, quotes, and videos of JFK charging us to unleash our nation’s potential by landing on the Moon in a decade, in a rocket that didn’t exist from a nexus of laboratories of a world-class organization his contemporaries couldn’t dream of, important people read your blog. In October this year, a very discerning important person from Marquis Who’s Who in America reached out to interview me as a listee in the nation’s most trusted source of biographies on influencers and leaders. We booked 3 weeks out, a time that cannot be accounted for with Midnight pacing, furious writing, head-scratching, chocolate-indulging, and being pinched by friends and loved ones for luck, (for “X’ reason- they were to learn why only AFTER my acceptance).

After one of the most meaningful conversations of my life, the woman I exchanged thoughts, laughter, and tears with for over an hour on the things that meant the most to us both, asked this, “Knowing that the world will read your biography for generations to come, what is your message?”

Here is where I hearkened to the moment 4 years ago when my purpose in life crystallized around a single thought:

“I challenge entrepreneurs to unlock their true potential by becoming Visionary Leaders who in turn unlock human potential.”

The world relies on us to create a future that wouldn’t exist otherwise. It’s our time to lead people to who they truly want to be.

The link to my official biography will be available, presumably, in February 2024 and posted immediately on all my timelines.

Until then, and beyond, I will take the honor of a lifetime (being placed among the Marquis's great minds and leaders of the ages) committed to improving the lives of millions with my Vision and message.


Terrible advice for starting a Brand… Stop “trying to be original”


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